Web-based PLM

Customer: Engineering service provider / Wind energy

The customer is developing technological solutions for the wind energy industry up to market maturity. The main challenge was to realise a transparent project handling to implement particular test procedures in the field of wind energy.

A further challenge to the PLM solution was a quick, efficient and secure communication within the team. This requirement is driven by collaboration of companies at different locations with different tasks for a common project.

Effort for providing the PLM environment: 10 days

All brand names, product names and abbreviations are the property of their respective companies.

Hence the following aspects needed to be ensured to all project team members:

  • Access to the current level of information
  • Notification of changes
  • Access to document history and status (e.g. ‘released’ or ‘work in progress’)
  • Everybody needs access to all data at any time


The solution is based on Collaboration Desktop as a web-based PLM solution – document management, task & project management and workflow management are modularly available. In addition to known document management a particular workflow for ‘virtual release’ of testing documents has been developed.

Speciality of this project was the appropriation of a PLM solution as software services (software as a service, SAAS). RLE provided the system including infrastructure and support. The project parties were enabled to use the implemented and adapted web-based PLM-solution via the web browser against a monthly payment.


Based on long-time experience in optimisation of complex process structures along the product life cycle RLE could individually advise the customer in conception, development and realisation of a PLM solution.

The system solution was customised based on the customer requirements. The customer was enabled to work at distributed locations and to ensure necessary data to be present if needed. Through team coordination and access to the current level of information further requirements had been completed.